Friday, December 19, 2008

Artist Promotional Tips

Welcome to Stardom Bound Blogs!

In these articles you will find tips to help you the Independent Artist achieve your desired awareness in the entertainment business. Tips that will assist you in achieving a strong fan base with many low or no cost techniques. Here's a little secret...many of these same tips are used by the major labels and publishing houses.

It doesn't matter what your platform may be, if you have the vision and determination to reach your destiny, with Stardom Bound you will achieve exactly what you are looking for.

So let's get started. You have a complete product and you have a vision of being a great artist with an enormous fan base, and be able to provide for your family with the fruits of your labor from what you love doing the most--being creative. But how do you get from vision to reality? How do you begin to promote you?

The components to good promotion are a lot like how you completed your project. You had an idea of how you wanted it to be. You organized how to finish it and who you needed to help you. You even counted the cost and shopped around for the best service. These same principles apply to promotion.

Keep this in mind as you begin your marketing campaign. Realize that vision without action is daydreaming, and action without vision is a nightmare. Take a good hard look at your vision and write it down. Now that you've written down what you want to accomplish, it's time to plan how to accomplish your goals.

This step is not something you want to rush through. There’s a saying out that’s worded like this, “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” so planning is very important; and to add to that; the quality of your plans will determine the level of your success. When you take into account the cost, the time, and external resources needed to accomplish your vision, you will be able to chart a smoother journey to providence.

Your first assignment is to gather the following:
1. A Plan
2. Biography
3. Picture of yourself or band
4. Promo selections from your CD or excerpts from your book
5. Calendar with enough room to write info on the date
6. Three ring binder (preferably 1 ½’’ You will need room to grow)
7. Dividers
8. Three subject spiral notebook

Over the next week or so I’ll tell you why you need these things and show you how to use them. That is if you’re serious about changing the course of your life.

Subscribe to this blog to stay on top of the latest posts, workshops and more. Remember today is your day to take charge of your destiny.

Be Blessed!

Author, 5 Minutes 2 Show Time!

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