Monday, December 29, 2008

Organization: A Plan

Leaving your dreams of becoming reality to chance is like hoping to hit the lottery but you never go to the store to choose your numbers and purchase your ticket. Plan to plan well. Everyone of my successful mentors had detailed plans. Is this process tedious? Most definitely! However it is necessary. Set your goals and then commit to doing whatever is necessary to reach your goals. In my research, I found this pledge which was quite helpful for me. Maybe it will help you as well.
“I [your name], do hereby commit myself to achieving my success goals. I know and understand that I must master specific skills and acquire certain knowledge to reach these goals. And I hereby pledge to myself to continually improve my professional standing. I also know that I alone am responsible and accountable for my actions. It is my hard work that will pave the way to my inevitable success. This I promise and vow as my personal obligation and commitment.”
Now that you are committed to making your success reality, let's start planing. If you have no idea where to start building your plan, try this out.
Write down your ultimate goal. Yes you have to write it down. What does the Word say? Hint: (It’s right underneath the words, Organizing Your Goals.) Next write down all of the things it will take for you to
reach that goal. Keep in mind, for every ultimate goal, there should be separate plans.
Here’s an example.

Ultimate Goal
To sell 350 CD’s in thirty days

How will I sell 350 CD’S in 30 days?
By advertising

Why am I advertising?
So people will know what I have to offer and how to get it

Where will I advertise?
I will advertise in local Christian music stores, churches, performances, internet and place of employment.

How will I advertise in each place?
To stores: Talk to owner about posters, shelf space and method of selling.
Church: My own church I will make an announcement other churches I will hand post cards and or flyers after church.
Performances: While I am performing I will mention I have a CD for sale and where and how they can purchase it, as well as what types of payment I accept.
Internet: my own website, myspace, newsletters, comments, blogs.
My Job: Make announcements, and bug them till they buy.

When will I start advertising?
I will start advertising three weeks before my release date

How long will my campaign run?
30 days

How will I pay for all of this advertising?
I have a $100.00 budget; the rest will have to be free avenues to advertise.

What are the ways I can advertise for free?
Through myspace, you tube, reverbnation, blogs, face book, twitter, standing outside of music/ book stores with flyers, posters, and so on.

There are many more questions to answer. Do you see the pattern here? The pattern here is for you to set an ultimate goal and then break it down into smaller chunks and prioritize the steps. Once you have your plan together you can begin to implement it. Don’t be afraid to tweak it as needed, and frequently refer to it to determine if you are staying on track.
When it comes to planning and having meetings plan to get straight to the point. Respect the time of your audience and you by omitting useless background information. For menial jobs such as stuffing envelopes, do this in your spare while watching TV or something.
In your planning don't be afraid to say no to projects that are beyond your talents, or refer business to someone who is better qualified for that task. What you send out will come home. After your plans are complete do your best to focus on the moment and think long-term and never get greedy. Don't plan for only the quick sale, but rather plan for the most beneficial sale. Quick sales are just that-quick and done. You are not a gimmick which needs to sell quick so you can get out of town before your buyers wise up. Beneficial sales produce reoccurring sales; and this is what you want.

Subscribe to this blog to stay on top of the latest posts, workshops and more. Remember today is your day to take charge of your destiny. Be Blessed! RonSher Author, 5 Minutes 2 Show Time!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Artist Promotional Tips

Welcome to Stardom Bound Blogs!

In these articles you will find tips to help you the Independent Artist achieve your desired awareness in the entertainment business. Tips that will assist you in achieving a strong fan base with many low or no cost techniques. Here's a little secret...many of these same tips are used by the major labels and publishing houses.

It doesn't matter what your platform may be, if you have the vision and determination to reach your destiny, with Stardom Bound you will achieve exactly what you are looking for.

So let's get started. You have a complete product and you have a vision of being a great artist with an enormous fan base, and be able to provide for your family with the fruits of your labor from what you love doing the most--being creative. But how do you get from vision to reality? How do you begin to promote you?

The components to good promotion are a lot like how you completed your project. You had an idea of how you wanted it to be. You organized how to finish it and who you needed to help you. You even counted the cost and shopped around for the best service. These same principles apply to promotion.

Keep this in mind as you begin your marketing campaign. Realize that vision without action is daydreaming, and action without vision is a nightmare. Take a good hard look at your vision and write it down. Now that you've written down what you want to accomplish, it's time to plan how to accomplish your goals.

This step is not something you want to rush through. There’s a saying out that’s worded like this, “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” so planning is very important; and to add to that; the quality of your plans will determine the level of your success. When you take into account the cost, the time, and external resources needed to accomplish your vision, you will be able to chart a smoother journey to providence.

Your first assignment is to gather the following:
1. A Plan
2. Biography
3. Picture of yourself or band
4. Promo selections from your CD or excerpts from your book
5. Calendar with enough room to write info on the date
6. Three ring binder (preferably 1 ½’’ You will need room to grow)
7. Dividers
8. Three subject spiral notebook

Over the next week or so I’ll tell you why you need these things and show you how to use them. That is if you’re serious about changing the course of your life.

Subscribe to this blog to stay on top of the latest posts, workshops and more. Remember today is your day to take charge of your destiny.

Be Blessed!

Author, 5 Minutes 2 Show Time!

