Friday, October 2, 2009

Creative Indie Marketing- What's Your Motivation?

If you are getting lost in the midst of your creative indie marketing campaigns, and your motivation level toggles back and forth, it’s time to take a good hard look at what is truly motivating you to do what you do.

Before you start any marketing campaign, it’s best to know what you want to accomplish and create a list of what you need to make this happen. Next knowing why you want to do this will be your determining factor for the level of your success.

If wanting to be rich is your motivation, I’m sorry to say this, but you will most likely fail. Everyone wants to be rich. Being rich is not a motivator. It is a bi-product of motivation. If you don’t believe me take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left side list all the people you know who wants to be rich and on the right side, place a check next to the ones who are.

If you have anyone on the right, go and ask them how they acquired their fortune. I’m willing to wager I wanted to be rich will not be their answer. Most of them were in search of something deeper. They had a thirst for something money alone could not quench. Riches were simply a result of satisfying that need.

So if your drive for success is dwindling, take time to step away to put things in proper perspective. You’ll be amazed at how things will change for you and rekindle your motivation.

RonSher Brooks Author of the book “5 Minutes 2 Show Time! How to Effectively Promote You!” Available at If you enjoyed this blog, or even if you didn't, please comment below. I'd love some feedback.

