Friday, October 2, 2009

Creative Indie Marketing- What's Your Motivation?

If you are getting lost in the midst of your creative indie marketing campaigns, and your motivation level toggles back and forth, it’s time to take a good hard look at what is truly motivating you to do what you do.

Before you start any marketing campaign, it’s best to know what you want to accomplish and create a list of what you need to make this happen. Next knowing why you want to do this will be your determining factor for the level of your success.

If wanting to be rich is your motivation, I’m sorry to say this, but you will most likely fail. Everyone wants to be rich. Being rich is not a motivator. It is a bi-product of motivation. If you don’t believe me take out a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle. On the left side list all the people you know who wants to be rich and on the right side, place a check next to the ones who are.

If you have anyone on the right, go and ask them how they acquired their fortune. I’m willing to wager I wanted to be rich will not be their answer. Most of them were in search of something deeper. They had a thirst for something money alone could not quench. Riches were simply a result of satisfying that need.

So if your drive for success is dwindling, take time to step away to put things in proper perspective. You’ll be amazed at how things will change for you and rekindle your motivation.

RonSher Brooks Author of the book “5 Minutes 2 Show Time! How to Effectively Promote You!” Available at If you enjoyed this blog, or even if you didn't, please comment below. I'd love some feedback.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Creative Indie Marketing- Top 15 places to Post Your Videos

Here's another Creative Indie Marketing tip. If you are making videos and you are only posting to Youtube, you are missing out on a lot more viewers than you think. The phrase “Never put all of your eggs in one basket,” fits perfectly when it comes to posting videos.

Yes Youtube is the most popular site, but it’s not the only site. So spread your video around to at least 15 different sites and increase how many viewers you market to.

Just as a company will air the same commercial spot on multiple TV channels, you have the opportunity to do the same with your videos. But yours are free advertising.

Here are the top 15 places to post your videos on the web.

Daily Motion

Take advantage of every place to attract attention and post in multiple venues. RonSher Brooks Author of the book “5 Minutes 2 Show Time! How to Effectively Promote You!” Available at

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ceative Indie Marketing- & 6 Ways To Grow With Blogging

Creative Indie Marketing includes blogging. Blogging can become tedious over time and which can make you stop blogging all together. Especially when you haven’t seen your following grow. Here are a few tips to help you keep blogging and gain some subscribers while you’re at it.

  • Be sure to sprinkle 3 of your keywords and italicize them. This helps your ranking in Google.
  • Invite people to subscribe to your blog. Ask them to click that RSS feed.
    Sign up with Blog directories.
  • Have your blog syndicated on your website.
  • Tweet about your blog.
  • Blog frequently. At least once a week. This will help move you up in ranking as well.
  • Keep your blogs short. This will help you write more frequently.

As I tell my clients, “Steady wins the race.” So be consistent, and invite others to read your blogs, and you will see your list grow.

For more information, visit RonSher Brooks Author of the book “5 Minutes 2 Show Time! How to Effectively Promote You!” at

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Creative Indie Marketing- Using Google Talk to Connect With Your Audience

Having trouble connecting with your customers? Do you wish there was an easy way to answer their questions? You know, chat with your audience. Well now you can and it won’t even cost any money to do so. Here’s a great way to market more effectively. has a feature that allows you to chat with customers on your website for free! By doing this you can warm up potential sales, calm the fears of internet purchases, and bring more clarity to your product.

To add this feature to your site you must first have a Google account. After you have one, go to and download the program to your computer. Next go to to make your badge. To customize your badge click the edit button and write what you what it to say. You only have about 24 character spaces so be precise.

If you don’t want your email address showing you can change that to display your name or company rep as well. Save your changes and the program will generate a HTML code for you to copy and paste onto your website or blog.

Every time you log into your gmail account, your status will automatically update and your customers can chat with you. You will receive an alert on your desktop informing you of some one who wants to chat. You can even set a certain time for your customers to reach you. That way they will know when they can get in touch with you about your product.

Just think of how many things you’ve purchased all because you had your questions answered. This is one free marketing tool you can’t afford to ignore.

For more information, visit RonSher Brooks Author of the book “5 Minutes 2 Show Time! How to Effectively Promote You!” Available at

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ceative Indie Marketing & 2 Ways To Use Twitter

Do you have a Twitter account but you’re not quite sure what to do with or how it will benefit your product? Well I was in that same boat for about a year then the light came on. What is the question Twitter is always asking? “What are you doing?” right? So what are you doing in terms of your business, that is?

I am a musician and an author, so when I tweet I tend to talk about things that deal with music and writing. Even if all I am doing is taking a walk, I tie it into my music or writing somehow. Like I’ll tweet I just wrote a slammin’ melody while walking today. Hope to share it w/ you soon! This helps people learn more about my interest.

Twitter is a place to meet people, not to make a sale, so once I have a crowd that’s interested in what I do I send them to my other social sites so that they can get to know even more about me.

Another hurdle is having adequate followers to tweet to. Here are a few tips on how to quickly grow your list. I suggest you open an account at You can set up you account to automatically follow whoever follows you. Also, if you are simply too busy to tweet 10 times a day, you can pre-write your tweets and schedule them to post through out the day.

After you’ve done that, place in the “find friends” keywords of the type of tweeters you want to follow and follow them. Generally they will follow you in return as common courtesy.

Here is the key to gaining followers quickly. Twitter allows you to 70 new follows per hour and doesn’t take long to get up to 70. Depending on how much time you have, you can jump from a few followers to 250 in as little as two days.

So get to tweeting and gain new followers today.

RonSher Brooks Author of the book “5 Minutes 2 Show Time! How to Effectively Promote You!” Available at

Friday, July 10, 2009

Did you get your copy of 5 Minutes to Show Time yet? Well what are you waiting on? Order it today and create better marketing campaigns for your book or CD today!

You can even order the ebook for instant download.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Over the years I’ve had talks with many marketing coaches, publishers, and record labels on every step of the ladder. I have spent countless hours taking part in seminars and workshops in order to gain insight on how to achieve my desired awareness, only to hear the same thing over and over again. They were all filled with broad statements which give very little insight into how to make those statements happen.

One day the light came on. I said to my self, “Maybe you’re asking the wrong questions.” The more I thought about that the more I realized I was right. I have been asking the wrong questions. After all the number one question for many Independent Artist is how do I bring awareness to my product? My mother used to tell me, “Stupid questions get stupid answers.” Same thing applies here. Broad questions get broad answers.

With this new discovery I began my quest for notoriety with a brand new zeal. By revisiting the very same broad solutions and taking a closer look at the building blocks of each solution, I was able to turn things around. If you truly want sizeable results in your quest of marketing your product, it’s your turn to do the same.

Begin by answering these very sobering questions.

Why do I want my product to be number one or reach global popularity?
You know you want to be the best, but do you want to be the best? Keeping your motivation before you will help you determined how much time and resources to invest in your vision. This is so because having a top rated product is not the end, but rather a spring board or a platform to something new or bigger. Start thinking about what new opportunities this accomplishment will bring you and what you are willing to do with these opportunities. By thinking like this you will come up with solid ideas to make this come about.

Am I willing to hear the word no?
Let’s face it-not everyone is going to instantly fall in love with your product. You will have to swoon some of your audience, potential partners and so on, and others will never see the light. Are you willing to stand on a mountain of no’s just to get one yes? Every great inventor had to deal with undesired results before they did it right. Toughen your skin my friend. If you don’t believe you have something of value to offer the world even when the city thinks you don’t, who else will?

Am I willing to establish credibility?
No matter what level of fame you attain, it is all based on trust. Your audience must be able to trust you. Being a writer or performer is no different than the trust you build with your employer. If your employer can’t trust to come to work on a consistent basis and perform your duties well, they fire you. Your audience is your employer. You live off of their dollars, and if they can’t trust you, they stoop giving them. Now this credibility is established both practically as well as morally. Know that just because you are an Independent Artist, you do not have divulge everything about your life in order to gain credibility, but you must be honest and true to what you do share. The same holds true for the practical side of credibility. You must be willing to prove that you are the real thing. Have the business side of your product in tact. Making sure everything is in place now will save you a world of regret later.

What is my plan?
Here’s another cliché for you. “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Take time now to develop a plan. Micro-manage your plan and leave nothing to chance while at the same time stay flexible to change. How do you do that? Well I have found that’s really a gut call. However, if you logically weight out the pros and cons of this change as to how it will effect you and your goal, you will make a sound decision. As an Independent Artist, especially when you are first starting out, you are everything. You are your own A&R Dept., your own marketing Dept., your own publicist, support team and more. So it is your responsibility to learn as much as possible about each area. You must also know when to let go and let the experts do their job. Just because you are the head of every department, that doesn’t mean you have to perform all the duties as well.

Am I willing to delay gratification?
Don’t be apart of the “Internet Gold Rush.” Incase you haven’t noticed, the California Gold Rush Syndrome is repeating itself with internet marketing. Daily thousands of people are flocking to their computer screens searching for that gold mine in the caverns of the internet, hoping that this will be the day of overnight success. Reality Check: OVERNIGHT SUCCESS STORIES DON’T EXIST! Even the artists or authors who appear to be “overnight success stories,” have spent years of dedication on their craft. The mountain of their success is built on all the rocks of implementing on a daily basis the things you have just read about when no one knew who they were. Your true so called overnight success stories are those whom we fondly refer to as the one hit wonders. Is that the alumni you’re trying to join? I didn’t think so. Be patient and diligent to what is before you today and tomorrow will take care of itself. If you have your why’s how’s, and when’s in order, the rest of your puzzle is easily put together.

Take some time to answer these questions. Once you have this foundation, if you’re ready for the small bricks that lead to the broad statements, join me May 5, 2009 for a series of Stardom Bound Workshops with real applicable answers. You can join by sucribing to this blog or emailing me at and place SB WORKSHOP in all caps just like this. Tell me you want to be apart of this sharing of information, and I will send you confirmation information for this life changing event. Now as for the cost..... all I ask for is your time. yes that's right your precious time is cost of this workshop. I look forward to meeting you in class!

Be Blessed!


For a complete e-guide on how to effectively to promote you visit:

